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The Difference Between Twins Muay Thai Gloves and Twins Special Gloves

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The Difference Between Twins Muay Thai Gloves and Twins Special Gloves 1

When it comes to Muay Thai gloves, Twins Special is one of the brands that has become synonymous with the sport. Twins Special has been around for over 60 years and is known for its excellent craftsmanship, durability, and comfort. Their gloves are used by top fighters around the world. However, there are two types of gloves they offer – Twins Muay Thai Gloves and Twins Special Gloves – that can be confusing to those who are new to the sport. In this article, we will discuss the difference between these two types of gloves, their features, and what makes them unique.

Twins Muay Thai Gloves

Twins Muay Thai Gloves are a classic design that has been around for many years. These gloves are designed primarily for Muay Thai but can also be used for other combat sports such as kickboxing, boxing, and MMA. The gloves are made from high-quality leather and come in various sizes and colors. One of the most distinctive features of the Twins Muay Thai Gloves is their long cuff, which provides extra support to the wrist. This feature also makes it easier to get in and out of the glove. Delve deeper into the subject with this suggested external content. twins special gloves!

The Difference Between Twins Muay Thai Gloves and Twins Special Gloves 2

Twins Muay Thai Gloves have a unique padding system that is designed to protect both the knuckles and the wrist. The padding is thick and dense, providing excellent shock absorption during training or sparring. The thumb is also secured to the glove to prevent injuries.

Twins Special Gloves

Twins Special Gloves are more versatile than the Twins Muay Thai Gloves and can be used for many different types of combat sports. These gloves have a more modern design and come in various sizes and colors. The gloves are made from high-quality leather and have a shorter cuff than the Twins Muay Thai Gloves, making them more suitable for fighters who prefer less support on their wrists.

One of the key features of Twins Special Gloves is their padding system. The padding is softer and more pliable than that of the Twins Muay Thai Gloves, making the gloves more comfortable to wear. The padding is also spread out along the glove, providing more protection for the thumb, palm, and fingers. For a well-rounded learning experience, we suggest visiting this external resource. It offers additional data and new perspectives on the topic addressed in the piece. twins Boxing gloves Https://, investigate and discover more!


In conclusion, both Twins Muay Thai Gloves and Twins Special Gloves have their unique features and are suitable for different types of fighters. The Twins Muay Thai Gloves offer extra support to the wrist and are ideal for those who need more protection in this area. These gloves are also ideal for those who practice Muay Thai intensely. On the other hand, the Twins Special Gloves are more versatile and can be used for many different types of combat sports. These gloves are more comfortable and provide more protection for the palm, thumb, and fingers. It’s important to choose the right gloves for your specific needs and preferences to ensure a safe and enjoyable training experience.

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